Wednesday 24 September 2014

Glasgow's yes dogs

Hello! During Scotland's lead up to the referendum there were peaceful protests and rallies all over, including Catalonia! And Catalans even coming over to Scotland with support and well wishes. Living In Glasgow at this time has been very hopeful and exciting. A time that I will never forget. Finding myself In George Square many nights before the vote - known to many as independence square now due to all peaceful rallies held before Thursday 18th September, I soaked up the atmosphere and took along my camera. A time of wonder, hope and passion just a couple of these photographs show these moments. And what better way to show you than Glasgow's yes dogs and their owners! Even with a fashionable tartan coat or two. Dressed up in their Scotland's freedom finest, I tried to capture the spirit.  And also a few of my favourite photographs I took of the people.

Jessica Rabbit xox

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