Saturday 19 April 2014

That's bogus

Do you ever click on that coat online that you see and just love and have to have. Then It comes up 'Buy this coatigan' ?? You think to yourself - nope, I definitely clicked coat. I would remember because It was two seconds ago I saw it, I liked it, I clicked it. And also coatigan Isn't a word. But no - there you are, a lovely 'coatigan' only £69.99. Well then you think It has the word coat In the name. It looks like a coat and says It Is 69% wool and everything. Where can I go wrong. Send to basket. 
OH you can go Way wrong. Your coatigan arrives In the post probably around 7 working days later which Is really cool (since when does next day delivery mean anything anyway). And you feel the parcel, hmm It must be that small strappy top I bought from Ebay or that pack of paper clips from Amazon but just In a really big oversized bag. Nope, It's your coat which Is literally two bits of thin paper sewn together with a lovely shiny lining and pretend pockets that when you fasten up looks like It could be a dress. Also comes with bonus free stickers and a spring catalogue. Oh and your coatigan Is featured In the spring catalogue with the wording 'stay warm In spring!'. Oh a coatigan! Meaning like a cardigan but looks like a coat. How useful apart from the fact that I have much warmer and cheaper cardigans already. Maybe It's just me, but there Is something fishy going on here. The more you look around Internet shopping the more totally bogus words you see. Beware. Gloves and mittens become 'Glittens'. A cropped jumper Is now a 'crump'. 'Trouges' a cross between trainers and brogues. 'Jorts' are shorts with the some of the qualities of jeans (Soo denim shorts then). These are all very real fashion lingo words that I have come across while online shopping In the past week. I have seen everything. Genius way of cutting down on your fashion chat (who has the time to say denim shorts anyway?). No It's a scam so you end up with a paper coat and goosebumps. But I mean I have to give to 'jeggings' - they did make the Oxford dictionary.       


  1. Thank you so much for the follow.
    Follow you back on bloglovin.
    Btw,I'm also on Instagram,maybe you like my account?
    Lovely greets from germany ;-)

    1. You're welcome Vanessa! Thank you for the follow back. I will do! Jess xxx
